CB5 - The Big Five Personality Questionnaire | Psychometric Test


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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the CB5 instrument?
The Chatur Big Five (CB5) is an Indian questionnaire based on the Big Five or Five Factor Model (FFM) of Personality.
CB5 provides you greater SELF AWARENESS.
It identifies a person’s inherent preferences on 5 Super traits and 25 subtraits.
These results help an individual understand normal differences in the way people think, communicate and interact.
2. What do the letters associated with the CB5 instrument mean?
The CB5 instrument has five sets of letters: C A N O E

Conscientiousness:How one works towards one’s goals.
Agreeableness: How accommodating one is with others.
Negative Emotionality: How one deals with and responds to stress.
Openness: How open one is to new experiences.
Extraversion: How much sensory stimulation one can deal with.
3. What makes the CB5 instrument different from all the other personality tests I’ve heard about?
CB5 is an Indian test. The norm group consists of students and working adults in the Indian subcontinent.
It is available currently in English, Marathi, Hindi, Gujarathi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali and Odia
4. If I already know my personality profile, is there any need to take the assessment again?
First consider how long ago you took the CB5 or any other personality assessment and whether your life circumstances have changed dramatically since then.
There is no need to take the CB5 multiple times as CB5 measures inherent preferences which remain stable over a period of time.
However, if your life has changed significantly, you might find it helpful to take the CB5 again.
In addition, the newer forms of the CB5 assessment are based on the latest research, so if it has been several years since you took the assessment, you might consider retaking it.
5. Why should I pay to take this test when there are so many free ones on the Internet?
CB5 is based on research and statistical analysis thereby enabling a reliable outcome.
CB5 is a normed questionnaire. This means that your scores are compared to a norm group of 7205 Indian people.
Today 8000 + Indians have taken this test! If you are looking for guidance in major life decisions, you will benefit most from the useful and accurate information derived from the CB5 tool.
6. Is there a best and worst personality profile?
Every individual is unique and beautiful. So there is no best or worst profile.
There is no high or low score nor are there Good or Bad Positions or Areas or Regions or Sides on the 5 scales.
A specific context or situation may determine which personality profile works in which context.
7. How will knowing my personality profile help me?
Knowing your personality profile will help you understand yourself and your behavior.
It may also help you appreciate the way others behave and thus enable you to understand individual differences and use them more constructively.
You will gain a greater understanding of your strengths and thus be able to look for opportunities to use your strengths for more effective functioning in work and life.
Many individuals have used their understanding of their CB5 traits to help them find satisfying jobs, choose academic majors, improve their effectiveness and satisfaction at work, and enhance their interactions and relationships with others.
8. Will my profile change over time?
Your basic characteristics, preferences are inherent and therefore more or less stable.
However, an individual’s personality profile develops over a person’s life span.
Since personality relates in part to our physical appearance, abilities, intelligence and the maturation process, nature or genetics play a role.
Likewise, since personality is developed as a result of our experiences in our environment, the experiences we have will influence the development of our personality.
Both genetics and learning play a role. The extent to which learning contributes is the extent to which personality is subject to change.
Like all learning, changes are more noticeable in the very young and less so in older adults.
Only in exceptional cases, for example if a person undergoes any traumatic experience, his/her personality profile may change.
9. Should I make career decisions based on my CB5 profile?
Career decisions are usually most sound when based on a number of factors—for example, abilities, interests, personality, skills, values, and lifestyle needs. Knowing your CB5 profile can help you in making a career decision, but it should not be the only factor that you consider.
The Career Shakti report maps the CB5 traits on the Holland Hexagon Model (RIASEC) giving a specific input on how one's personality impacts a career choice.
The Career Shakti Report gives indicative directions on possible career choices.
Research shows that people of with specific personality profile tend to choose particular career fields and are likely to avoid certain other career fields.
You may want to consult the latest career books published on the subject or work with a career counseling professional who is certified to use the CB5 instrument to learn more about the traits and career choices.
10. Why would an employer ask me to take the CB5 tool, and, if so, do I have to?
Employers use the CB5 tool for the following purposes:
• Finding the Right fit for the right job
Enhancing self-awareness and building interpersonal sensitivity
• Recruitment and Selection
• Training and development of employees and managers
• Improving teamwork
• Coaching and developing others
• Improving communication
• Resolving conflicts
• Understanding personal styles to maximize effective use of human resources
11. How will I benefit from the Shakti report?
In the CANOE+ Report, you receive detailed information on 5 Super traits and 25 sub-traits.
From the Shakti Report, you will be able to see how much Shakti / energy your personality gives you to perform certain competencies for a particular role. You will also be able to identify the gap between the ideal energy and the actual energy required for a particular role of a Manager, Leader, Sales, Operations, Teacher, Career etc.
12. How can personality profile help me get along better with other people?
The CB5 was created with the intention of bringing about self awareness and building interpersonal sensitivity by appreciating individual differences.
When you take the CB5 assessment and review your results, you learn that every individual is beautiful and has unique preferences.
This awareness can help you better understand yourself, your friends, coworkers and family and accept those differences thereby improving your interpersonal relations.
13. Can I fake my responses so my personality profile comes out a certain way?
If you know the expected or desired profile preferences of the CB5 and want your profile to come out in that way, you can probably respond in a manner that concludes on that profile or comes close to that profile. However, there are ways to detect fake responses.
But faking responses will not give you useful information. Honest responses to the CB5 assessment followed by a close review of your results can help you increase your self-awareness, improve your decision making, get along better with others, develop as a leader, find work you enjoy, and enhance your relationships. For these reasons, most people choose to respond honestly to the items.
14. What will the CB5 tool tell me that I don’t already know?
The CB5 assessment is a self-report tool. It gives you answers based on what you report about yourself —so in one sense, it won’t tell you anything you don’t already know. But knowing something and being able to use it effectively in your life are two vastly different things. Most people find that taking the CB5 assessment is enjoyable, and when they get their results, they feel affirmed in that they have received an accurate description of their personality.
Many go on to get more information, set new goals, and improve their decision making and relationships based on what they learned from taking the CB5 tool and from the extra efforts they put in after taking the assessment. The Shakti Reports will also give more detailed insights.
15. How can I contact a CB5 Knowledge Consultant?
E-mail: personality@cb5.in
Website: www.cb5.in
16. What is the cost of the CB5 instrument?
The Shakti Report costs 2500/- plus GST.
17. Will my profile tell me what I am good at doing?
The CB5 tool does not measure competencies in the way a math test can measure your math skills, for example.
None of the CB5 questions are designed to determine how good you are at a particular task.
In a nutshell – CB5 will give you an objective insight about your Behavior Preferences in comparison to others.
It does not tell you about your Performance, it does not tell you how much work you do (quantity) or how well you perform in your job (quality) or how much success you will get due to your actions. It will talk about your Potential.
So Know Yourself and Discover your Shakti!
18. Which age group can take the CB5 assessment?
The instrument is intended to be used by people between 14 to 75 years of age.
19. How reliable is the CB5 questionnaire?
The inter item reliability or consistency of the CB5 is .89, so a reliable psychometric test.
20. How much time is required to complete the CB5 questionnaire?
On an average, CB5 questionnaire will take 15 minutes to complete..

The journey of AWARENESS begins with awareness of Self. Curiosity (Jignasa) is a grace which is granted to all humans and programmes like this help in...read more
V Anup Chandran
General Manager, Reserve bank of India
CB5 Certification was an extremely interesting and valuable program. Designed on international standards with adequate rigor and practice built in, I ...read more
Kayomarz B Shroff
Partner, Phoenix Consulting
The CB5 would certainly help students and teachers to know their strengths and areas for development as an individual. The CANOE +Report is ver...read more
Dr. Devyani Pandit
Educationist and Consultant
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