Certification Program | Career Counseling |CB5 -The Big Five Personality Test


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Why do We Behave the Way We Do?

Find out how Personality impacts
* My Behaviour
* Team Behaviour
* Leadership
* Managerial Effectiveness
* Selection
* * Business Results..
Attend Chatur Big5 - CB5 Certification in Online 2,3,4,10,11 August, 2024

Certification Program

For Whom:
Consultants, HR Practitioners, Line Managers, Psychologists, Career Counsellors

To equip Practitioners and Managers to use the CB5 for a variety of applications.
Interpret CANOE + and Shakti Reports for Self and Others Development.
Give lot of Practice to use the CB5 at their workplace.

Five Factor Model
How to read and interpret the CANOE+
How to read and interpret the varied Shakti Reports
Applications of CB5
Case Studies and Practice

Duration: Three Full Days

Faculty: Chatura & Jayant Damle

Upcoming Program

Online: 2,3,4,10,11 August, 2024

Why do We Behave the Way We Do?

Find out how Personality impacts
* My Behaviour
* Team Behaviour
* Leadership
* Managerial Effectiveness
* Selection
* * Business Results..
Attend Chatur Big5 - CB5 Certification in Online 2,3,4,10,11 August, 2024

Certification Program

For Whom:
Consultants, HR Practitioners, Line Managers, Psychologists, Career Counsellors

To equip Practitioners and Managers to use the CB5 for a variety of applications.
Interpret CANOE + and Shakti Reports for Self and Others Development.
Give lot of Practice to use the CB5 at their workplace.

Five Factor Model
How to read and interpret the CANOE+
How to read and interpret the varied Shakti Reports
Applications of CB5
Case Studies and Practice

Duration: Three Full Days

Faculty: Chatura & Jayant Damle

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Abhijit Deshmukh
CB5 Certification was an extremely interesting and valuable program. Designed on international standards with adequate rigor and practice built in, I ...read more
Kayomarz B Shroff
Partner, Phoenix Consulting
The journey of AWARENESS begins with awareness of Self. Curiosity (Jignasa) is a grace which is granted to all humans and programmes like this help in...read more
V Anup Chandran
General Manager, Reserve bank of India
Both Chatura and Jayant showed clarity of thought across the whole program. The discussions were a reflection of the research that has gone in and the...read more
Janakiraman Kalyanaraman
The first realization is that the CANOE report is the mirror of the personality. The more one understands this, the more one accepts it. The Shakti re...read more
Sudhanshu Panse
Researcher PHD Student
The program builds and provides a good understanding of the FFM; participants develop the skills and insights to work with test takers meaningfully an...read more
Deepak Puggal
Partner, Talentonic HR Solutions Pvt Ltd
CB5 is a wonderful tool that provides deep insights into one’s personality and I found this to be quite accurate. The training was fabulously conducte...read more
Shyam Kalle
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